Understanding thoroughly the people’s plight in finding clean water sources, Big C has organized several points of sale for non-profit water bottles at Big C Thăng Long, Big C Hà Đông, Big C Lê Trọng Tấn, and Big C The Garden from 17/10 to 31/10.

On these days, the people of Hanoi are facing serious issues with clean water sources. The recent event regarding the city’s clean water supply has left local citizens unable to find safe water to use, putting a halt on locals’ everyday activities. Well aware of the locals’ needs for safe water as well as keeping our local development commitment, Big C has organized several points of sale for non-profit water bottles at our chain throughout Hanoi.

Throughout the program, if you wish to use uncontaminated water at affordable prices, go shopping at Big C Thăng Long, Big C Hà Đông, Big C Lê Trọng Tấn, and Big C The Garden from 17/10 to 31/10/2019/ Come to Big C to bring back clean water to your family!