>>> Do not miss a chance to enjoy great cashback from BIDV this summer! Besides the low prices always for you, now at Big C, you can also shop and get money in return!
Timing: Available on every Saturday and Sunday during the campaign periods. The offer may also end ahead of time if the campaign budget is used up.
Period 1: from 18/05 to 14/07/2019
Period 2: from 24/08 to 20/10/2019
Period 3: from 23/11/2019 to 19/01/2020
Eligible type of cards: BIDV International Cards, except business debit cards, business credit cards, Manchester United international card, Visa Infinite card. Details as follows:
International Platinum card: BIDV MasterCard Platinum, BIDV Visa Platinum, BIDV Vietravel Platinum, BIDV Premier (credit & debit), MasterCard Platinum debit.
Other international cards: BIDV Precious, BIDV Smile, BIDV Flexi, BIDV Vietravel Standard Credit, BIDV Ready, BIDV Vietravel Standard Debit, BIDV Young +.
Eligible customer:
International cardholders as above.
Program details:
For every shopping transaction and payment by BIDV international cards via POS of whatever bank at Big C supermarket with the value from 1.000.000 VND and above on every Saturday and Sunday will receive the cashback as follows:
International Platinum card: 10% cashback (maximum 200.000 VND/transaction).
Other international card: 5% cashback (maximum 100.000 VND/transaction).
Each cardholder has unlimited time to receive the cashback. The maximum total cashback value is 500.000 VND /customer for each promotion period.
Eligible BIDV cardholder must satisfy all the conditions:
Be the current international cardholder of BIDV.
For international credit card: all the customer’s card debts must be qualified (All the debts are either in due date or overdue no more than 10 days) without delay of payment during statement periods.
BIDV’s cashback offer is just eligible to the primary cardholder. Transactions of the secondary card will be recorded for primary cardholder for cashback consideration.
The total promotion budget of BIDV is 300.000.000 VNĐ (Three hundred million dong).
The order of cashback will be judged based on the time that occurs the transaction. We will give priority for transaction that comes earlier to receive the cashback.
The last recorded time of the keep business accounts (**) into the system for cashback consideration is 31/07/2019 (for period 1); 11/11/2019 (for period 2); 10/02/2020 (for period 3).
For international debit cardholder: The reward is sent into the demand – deposit account of verified customer of BIDV no later than 05/09/2019 (period 1); 30/11/2019 (period 2); 28/02/2020 (period 3). In case the customer has many BIDV accounts, BIDV will choose a random account to transfer the cashback. BIDV will not transfer the cashback if the customer do not possess any demand – deposit account at BIDV or the account is closed/ locked at the time of the transaction.
For international credit cardholder: The reward is sent into the BIDV credit account of the customer no later than 05/09/2019 (period 1); 30/11/2019 (period 2); 28/02/2020 (period 3) (BIDV will transfer priorly to the promoted credit account). BIDV will not transfer the cash back in case all of the international credit accounts of the customer are closed/ locked at the time of the transaction.
Other terms:
The date of the keep business accounts is the transaction date of the debit/ credit card into the card account of BIDV system.
BIDV reserves the right to recover the value of the cash that our customer receives and will deduct the reward value on any account that the customer has at BIDV in case the customer closes the account within 6 months since the closing date of the promotion.
The cashback transaction can be later than the committed time in case it takes longer than expected for BIDV to check or verify information of the cardholder.
BIDV can contact our customers via the registered phone numbers or e-mail to verify some information or ask for extra necessary documents if needed.
Customers have the right to complain within maximum 7 days since BIDV announces the result on the website (the expected announcement time: 26/08/2019 (for period 1); 20/11/2019 (for period 2); 20/11/2019 (for period 3); 18/02/2020 (for period 3). BIDV has the right to change the announcement time in case of information clarification with the concerned parties. After these dates, BIDV refuses to process complaints.
BIDV is free of responsibility for majeure case occurring during the promotion which may be resulted in false transactions.
The customer is in charge of payment (if any) for the pop-up tax of cashback receiving by law.
BIDV has all the rights to refuse the cashback for any customer who is proved to give unqualified, unclear, or missing information or violating any terms and conditions by BIDV.
BIDV has all the rights to change any terms & conditions or cancel the program at any time with the approval of ĐVCNTT. All the changes will be announced publicly on BIDV website.
By participating in this promotion campaign, our customer is supposed to agree with all the terms and conditions of this campaign.
In case of any query related to the promotion campaign, please contact your nearby BIDV branches nationwide or our Service Center via hotline: 1900 9247/024 22200588.