Summer comes, bringing you all the joys and vacations that you've dreamed of. However, it’s also resulted in your skyrocketing electricity bill. It might be hard for us to say no to the air conditioner or cooking in this hot weather, but luckily, we can absolutely cut down the cost by applying these simple tips below:
Pay attention to the Energy Ratio
Right from your purchase, do not forget to consider the Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) shown on the products. The higher the retio is, the more efficiently the appliances function. You can also save money thanks to it.
Keep your appliances clean
Your appliances just can function at its highest efficiency only when it’s clean. Clear all the dust on your bulb for the brightest light. Clean your air conditioner for the quick cool air with less electricity consumed. Clean your fan for fresh and clean air spread. Your health is benefited from it as well.
Make use of solar energy
Do not rush to think of buying an expensive big solar panel. You can do simple tricks such as placing a long water pipe under the sun to heat up for hot water. Open all your windows to get free sunlight. Dry your clothes under sunlight instead of using the washing machine,…
Unplug when not in use
Most of us have the habit of turning off equipment without unplugging it. However, even it’s not in use, the plugging also costs us a bit energy and still increases the bill. If you have several plugged machines in house and go crazy with your high bill, you know what to do now.
Reduce the heat in your kitchen
Cooking in such a hot weather is really a challenge to overcome every day. You cannot skip a meal but may try to cook something quicker and produce less heat, such as boiling, steaming, soup. And remember not to place appliances such as the fridge, rice cooker, gas stove,… near to each other. You can use the microwave to cook something quick and simple as it produces less heat and save more energy.
Use the air conditioner efficiently
Make sure your air conditioner’s outdoor unit is installed in shady place. It helps to save 10% of energy more than those installed in hot places. Avoid turning it on and off frequently. Clean the equipment regularly for best use. Choose the air conditioner whose inverter technology to help save more.
Choose bright color for your house
Color plays a vital role in reducing heat. The bright color reflects light better than the darker ones, which means you may need only one bulb to lighten the room. In addition, bright colors also reduce the absorption of heat during the day.
With these simple tips above, hope you can see your bill lower next month. And do not forget to place some small trees, herbs, flowers around the house. They will help you feel cooler and add more summer vibe in this hot season.