Tidying up your living space will no longer be a tedious task thanks to these super simple tasks that Big C will show you today. Stay tuned!
Cleaning your house takes a lot of time and effort from housewives, especially if you are a busy person who find it difficult to settle some time for cleaning. However, there is always a solution! Follow these simple but effective tips from Big C to keep your living space tidy and clean all the time!
4 useful tips to help you quickly clean up your living space
1. Secret tips to deodorize your bathroom
2. Tips to give your sofas a makeover
3. Instantly and permanently remove dust with just one tip
4. Tips to keep your mirrors spotless
1. Secret tips to deodorize your bathroom

For that reason, you should regularly clean up your bathroom so as to protect other family members from harmful bacteria. To help you with this task, Big C will let out a very helpful and simple tip: Mix 1 part white vinegar with 10 parts water, then put the mixture into an aerosol spray and use it every day to minimalize the growth of fungi and to keep your bathroom clean all the time.
2. Tips to give your sofas a makeover
Most people don’t really pay attention to the sofa, but it is actually where many stubborn stains and bacteria reside. For leather sofas, don’t hesitate to use a mixture of baking soda and water to remove these stains. But do remember to use only a little amount of this mixture and apply it carefully so as not to ruin the leather.
For fabric sofas, you only have to soak a piece of cloth in alcohol and apply it on the fabric. Then, dry the alcohol using a hair dryer, and your fabric will be as good as new.
3. Instantly and permanently remove dust with just one tip
Dust is the bane of housewives. Dust does not only leave stains on the furniture but it also causes respiratory issues to your family. To prevent dust from sticking onto your furniture, you should try the following tip: Dip a piece of cloth into a bit of cooking oil, then use it to clean the dust stains on your furniture. Then, wipe the oil clean with another piece of cloth. Cooking oil will not only gives your furniture some glitter but it will also help protect it from dust.
4. Tips to keep our mirrors spotless
Are the annoying spots and stains on your mirrors driving you mad? Don’t worry, there is always a solution! Mix a bit of fresh lime or vinegar with warm water, then soak a piece of cloth into the mixture. Afterward, wipe the stains with the cloth and they will be gone in a minute, leaving your mirrors sparkling clean.
These are the four really helpful tips that can help you clean your home very quickly on a busy day. Hurry up and come to the closest Big C and buy these ingredients for a tidier home! Don’t forget, there are hundreds of really cool promotions at Big C! Check them out here.