Coffee Beach Bar 2019 - a party to remember for coffeeholic
MAY 2019
Coffee Beach Bar 2019 - a party to remember for coffeeholic

So many activities at Big C Coffee Beach Bar that our coffeeholics had great chances to experience Vietnamese coffee at a deeper level, such as sharing stories and passion with famous local coffee brands, having fun with Coffee Confetti, Coffee Beauty Workshop, Lucky Draw,… Let’s take a look at a few memorable moments of Big C Coffee Beach Bar 2019!

The signature entrance design of Big C Coffee Beach Bar.

Photos from “Coffee Stories” Contest at Big C Coffee Beach Bar 2019.

Specially made for Big C Coffee Beach Bar 2019.

Unique coffee seeds display.

Have you tried Real Vietnamese coffee - Mr.Việt yet?

The creative package design showing passionate Vietnamese farmers who want to bring local coffee to the world.

Famous local brand - Trung Nguyen Legend with the classy style.

More sea vibe from the dynamic Nescafe at Big C Coffee Beach Bar 2019.

Are you ready to “surf” with Nescafe?

Lucky winners participating in event activities received gifts at Coffee Beach Bar 2019.  

This event marks a memorable milestone in Big C’s journey to promote Vietnamese coffee. In the future, Big C will continue to bring you more surprise in the attempt to support the local products. Let's follow us and wait for the news!